9 May 2008

7 May

All went well at Algeciras and with the crossing.... Dad even managed not to be seasick!

Getting through the port the other side was a bit more difficult, it could have been worse though being on bikes as opposed to in cars is helping a lot, we have been waved to the front of every queue so far. The Moroccans even wanted to see the log books for our bikes! We got through the African port in about 45 minutes in the end which wasn't too bad.

We changed some money and set off for Marrakesh, they have built a motorway since I was last here, which meant getting to the capital was an easy ride except for the speed cameras! We had been warned to look out for them but could never have imagined how many there would be! In one 20 mile stretch there must have been a mixture of about 10 police speed traps, gatsos and armed checkpoints!

On arrival we had to find somewhere cheap to stay. A little old man on a moped pulled over to chat to us as we looked lost, he said to follow him to a hotel, trustingly we did, we are both on quite big powerful bikes but through the manic seemingly lawless streets we really did struggle to stay with him! He did as promised though and it even had parking for the bikes.

We ate that night out in the open in the hustle and bustle of the main square

Miles covered: 364

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