23 May 2008

22 May

Tan-tan is on the edge of the desert and when you leave the town heading north you immediately enter the foothills of some mountains, so today has been an incredible change in scenery from what we have got used to.

The bikes are both running well and we were on our way to Marrakech

Out of the foothills and heading towards Agadir there was no sandstorm this time and its amazing how much different everything looked!

After a quick snack we were soon entering the Atlas mountains, through the mountains is was so much busier than when we had passed through the first time so we were kicking ourselves for not taking the photos then. I got a few but at any of the steep climbs and descents where the really picturesque views were, it was far to dangerous to stop due to the lorries thundering past
We passed one lorry that had jack-knifed on the mountain road and dropped its load, and about a mile on there was another lorry that had a smashed front and the police were there so it was a recent crash

We have now covered over 5000 miles and we are all pretty worn out so covering miles through windy mountainous scenery is great but the miles are a lot harder to cover than across desert

We arrived in Marrakech around 7pm and eventually found the same hotel as last time as others were full. Tonight we went to an internet café and have booked the ferry from Tangir to Algeciras for 5.30pm tomorrow

Miles covered: 370

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